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How to Write Business Emails that Sound Friendly

In today’s technologically advancing world, email has become the official choice for communication within businesses. The lack of face-to-face communication can cause a lot of issues and misunderstandings, though. Because of this, it is important that business emails convey a clear message, elicit the desired response, and, above all, not offend in any way. But ho...


How Email Marketing Can Improve Your Business

In today’s business world, online competition is fierce! Between Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, it seems nearly impossible to keep up. Yet, some businesses seem to be thriving in the world of social media. So, what’s their secret? According to this interesting article from Hostgator, if you’re going to have any chance of getting and keeping your audience’s att...


Our Writers’ Favorite Podcasts For Your Listening Pleasure

[block_heading content="Break up the drive-time monotony with these entertaining alternatives to local FM" size="h2" color="#000000"][[/block_heading] If you’ve ever spent a lot of time sitting in traffic, you know that local radio can get pretty monotonous. How many times can you listen to “Meant to Be” before you find yourself wanting to scream, “Let it go! It ...


Social Media and Today’s Hospitals

By Michelle Perron When Facebook logged its first likes in 2004, no one was predicting that social networking would become a tool in the practice of medicine. Yet it has. From the revered Mayo Clinic to little-known regional specialty centers, the health care industry is finding that social media helps attract new appointments, generate revenue, and build relationships. ...


Social Selling Her Way to $250,000

It’s often said, “If you’re not online, then you essentially don’t exist.” According to a recent survey by Enquiro, 85.3 percent of buyers use the Internet before making a purchasing decision, and 77.7 percent of buyers say their research starts with Google. With the ever-growing population of businesses online, more specifically on social media, it can be hard t...