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Going Behind the Curtain: FAQ on Publishing and the Legal Issues of Hiring a Ghostwriter

Every year, dozens of civil lawsuits are filed that included allegations of libel or defamation. Most of the time, these things are obscure cases that never reach the headlines, but nevertheless cost both plaintiffs and defendants sizable sums for legal fees and court costs. Some cases, though, such as Jesse Ventura’s case against Chris Kyle’s widow or the suit f...


Mastering ROI: 11 Tips For Measuring Content Marketing and Thought Leadership

You’ve invested in content marketing and thought leadership campaigns in hopes that they will help to grow your business. But, how do you know if they are truly worth the money you put in? Too often, it can seem difficult to figure out if you should keep funding a particular type of marketing strategy or if that money would be better spent elsewhere. When you inv...


Best Practice for Distributing SOPs

So, your standard operating procedures (SOPs) are ready to go—you’ve written them, had them reviewed and tested, and incorporated feedback. Now all you have to do is distribute them. That should be the easy part, right? Well, you’re probably dealing with a lot of SOP content, and it can be hard to know exactly who needs to receive what information or how to get it...


Proofreading Always Counts

Proofreading Always Counts In 1904, dressmaker Lena Himmelstein Bryant opened a boutique in New York City. When she opened her business account at the bank, the clerk misspelled her name… and Lena simply rolled with it. [block_imgwrap_per conper="75" content="She went on to create something of a dynasty in women’s retail, establishing more than 800 plus-size clo...