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Make More Money by Self-Publishing Online

I was listening to the radio when my ears perked up by some extra-pertinent information: how the business of publishing is changing – and how authors are making more money than ever using the internet. There have traditionally been two ways to get your book in front of a mass audience: (more…)...


Should You or Your Business Be on Wikipedia? The Pros and Cons.

Everyone uses Wikipedia – in fact, if I see a Wikipedia entry come up on a Google search, that’s usually the first link I click on. Can Wikipedia be used for marketing purposes? The answer is certainly – though probably not in the way you think. A Wikipedia entry on you or your business isn’t going to directly sell widgets or get you your next commissioned painti...


Wanted: Paladin. Telepathist. Saint. Writing Skills a Plus.

Do you know the No. 1 reason good writers fail at writing as a profession? Bad customer service. Well, no, that’s not exactly accurate. A lot of writers have customer service skills. But, in the end, they’re only human. And the truth is, to be a great copywriter, you must be superhuman. The good news is: Anyone can become superhuman. But it does take a lot of work, a ...


Killer Tips for Streamlining Your Copy, Part 1

As any writer knows, getting that first draft down on paper is only half the battle. Whether you’re writing web copy, a sales email, or a journalistic article, chances are, you and your editing team will go through a few rounds of tweaking and fine-tuning before your work is really done. So, I’ve decided to do a little mini-series to share some of my favorite writing a...


Leveraging the P.S. — Why Postscripts are Important

I've been working on a direct mail marketing letter and wanted to share a little pearl of wisdom with everyone: how and why the P.S. or postscripts line is so important. Research shows that almost 80 percent of people will open a letter, scan the return address to see who sent it, then skip straight down to the postscript. (It’s so true too – try it yourself!) So tha...