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Our Writers’ Favorite Podcasts For Your Listening Pleasure

[block_heading content="Break up the drive-time monotony with these entertaining alternatives to local FM" size="h2" color="#000000"][[/block_heading] If you’ve ever spent a lot of time sitting in traffic, you know that local radio can get pretty monotonous. How many times can you listen to “Meant to Be” before you find yourself wanting to scream, “Let it go! It ...


Stay on the Write Side of the Law: Steer Clear of Publishing Woes

"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...." there was a copyright lawsuit between Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica. Stars Wars had captured the hearts of adoring fans across America, and Universal Studios wanted to jump on that bandwagon, so they launched Battlestar Galactica. But Star Wars execs saw one too many similarities in the Battlestar Galactica storyli...