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Logical Linking in Writing

One of my biggest pet peeves is prepositional phrases that don't logically link to the rest of the sentence. I see this writing practice all the time, and it usually happens because: a) the writer is trying to improve sentence flow, or b) the writer is trying to cram extra information into a paragraph and can't figure out where to put it. Here's an example: "With more ...


Talking to SMEs: How to make the most of their time (and yours)

When it comes to adding clout to a piece of writing, fewer things help more than talking to a subject matter expert (SME). They know the ins and outs of what you’re writing about and they know it well. They are the expert after all. The context and technical knowledge that an SME brings to a piece of writing is undeniable. The journalism world is effectively built on...


Think You’re Done Editing? Take a Step Back.

A writer’s work is never done. When you’re writing, you can get so wrapped up in the proofreading and editing process that you miss a HUGE oversight or error in your copy. This goes for all writing — whether it’s a marketing letter, a web page, or a novel. So, when you think you’re done writing and editing and proofreading everything, you’ve got one more mile...


What Publishers Look for in an Author

You’ve done it. You’ve finished your nonfiction book—or worked with a qualified ghostwriter to create one—and now you’re ready to find the right publisher to bring your ideas to the world. But what can you do to make yourself as sellable as possible—not your work, but you as an author? This advice comes straight from the pros—editors, publishers, and ...


Words that Contradict Themselves

If you have read our blogs Why the English Language is a Writer’s Nightmare and Are There Any Synonyms for Synonym?, you are well aware that we think the English language is crazy and confusing. But, have you ever taken the time to actually stop and think about just how crazy it is? We have way too many words that are either spelled the same way, but pronounced di...