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Sans Forgetica: A Font To Help Readers Remember

As a general rule, we writers tend to favor fonts that are practical and easy to read. While Baskerville Old Face and Lucinda Calligraphy are fun, it is highly unlikely that you will ever see them printed in a book. But what if we are doing it all wrong? What if the “easy” fonts such as Arial and Times New Roman are actually TOO easy? Well, researchers at RMIT U...


Publisher Interview: What to Expect when Publishing Your Book

The fairytale version of finishing a book goes something like this:  You dramatically pull a final book page from the typewriter carriage, stack it on top of a huge pile of papers, stuff it into a bulky package, rush ship it to your favorite publisher, and immediately get a call praising your book and offering you top dollar. Of course, we all know that’s not how it...


How to Easily Craft an RFP Solicitation to Attract the Best Vendors to Your Business

Oftentimes, getting the right vendors to work with your company is a critical part of your business success. But how do you attract high-quality vendors to provide you with the services and supplies you need? An RFP solicitation can be key in attracting the right suppliers to help your company achieve its goals. And whether it’s for your own business or the company yo...


The Great Oxford Comma Debate

It is one of the greatest debates in the English-speaking world… To Oxford comma, or not to Oxford comma. While it is technically a grammatical option in American English, there are many people who feel very passionate about the Oxford (or serial) comma. In fact, this silly little comma has been the topic of debate among The Writers For Hire staff for many years. ...


Your Website Migration from HTTP to HTTPS

If you have browsed the internet lately, you have probably noticed that when you attempt to access HTTP sites, you get a scary-looking warning about possible security risks. You have also probably noticed that more and more companies are switching from HTTP to HTTPS. But what is the difference? And why is it such a big deal? Well, we found a great article from