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Banned Books Week: September 26 to October 3

What do The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, The World According to Garp, and Of Mice and Men have in common? They’ve all been banned. At one point or another, somebody (or a group of somebodies, as is often the case), decided that these books – and hundreds of others – should be removed from libraries and schools. And who decided that these somebodies had the f...


Did You Know Ernest Hemingway Works For Us?

Ok, I don't know who did these guys' mailing list, but this actually came to The Writers For Hire address. Of course, yes, we ARE that great. But, to quell the rumor before it runs rampant: No Hemingway does not work for us....


Twitter: To Follow, or Not to Follow?

As I was writing my last blog about Twitter etiquette, a question came up: What is the etiquette on following people? Should you follow everyone who follows you, or not? I went on a quest to find out what the best practice regarding Followers vs. Following on Twitter. The answers, it seems, are largely unclear, but there are a lot of theories out there. The Naysayers �...


Astroturfing: The Icky Side of Social Media Marketing

It’s disingenuous. It’s dishonest. And, it’s everywhere. It’s called “astroturfing”. Chances are, you’ve been exposed to it. And, if the folks behind it have done their jobs right, the chances are pretty good that you didn’t even know it. Social media is powerful stuff. In its most basic form, it’s the high-tech equivalent of your best friend recommendi...