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TWFH’s Top Nonfiction Reads of 2021

It’s hard to believe that 2021 is already coming to an end! As we look forward to the new year, we at TWFH wanted to share our favorite nonfiction books we’ve read this year. From the true story of a spy who played a pivotal role in the Cold War to a guidebook for changing old habits, we hope these delightful suggestions inspire you to read more in the coming yea...


What’s the Origin of the Term “Ghostwriter” and how is the Practice of Ghostwriting Regarded Today?

While ghostwriting is not the occupation that the phrase “the world’s oldest profession” refers to, it’s definitely old, and by at least some accounts it’s not all that dissimilar. Simply put, ghostwriters write—while all of the credit (and, when applicable, the lion’s share of the profit) goes elsewhere. Ghostwriting has probably existed for roughly as...


Five Great Holiday Gifts for Writers

If you know any writers, then you know they can be picky (some might even say pretentious). But it’s really not that hard buying gifts for the writers in your life – especially not with TWFH on your side. Here we’ve put together a list of five of our favorite gifts and gadgets for writers. #1: Moleskine Notebooks Moleskine notebooks will forever be the signature...


How to Work with a Ghostwriter on Your Company History Book

Ghostwriting is a profession with an unfortunate name.  There’s an air of the macabre around it, maybe even some hints of stealthy deceit, but such connotations couldn’t be farther from reality. Plain and simple, a ghostwriter is a hired, professional writer. Ghostwriters are paid to write whatever their employers require. The way they differ from other w...


One-of-a-Kind Gifts for Your Parents This Year

With the holiday season upon us, it’s time to think about that annually dreaded concept – getting a gift for Mom and Dad. It’s not that you don’t want to get them a gift. Quite the opposite! You want to give them something amazing. You want to give a gift they’ll use and talk about for years. And this year, it seems more important than ever. But buying fo...