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How To Write Web Copy that Sells Stuff and Engages People #3: 5 Web Writing Mistakes that Can Kill Conversion Rates

In this third installment on writing web copy, we’re touching on some of the most important topics:  the most common mistakes we see (often) that kill websites.  Here’s what to look for (and what to avoid) to boost conversion rates and inspire readers to act. Let’s get started. 1.  Not realizing that the navigation and layout must come before design....


Our “First” Official Entry

Congratulations to our first official (in other words, doesn't work for us and is therefore qualified to win free stuff) grammar-fail photo entry.  Thanks to Very Married for this awesome example of unnecessary quotation marks. Very Married says:  "Two reasons this is awful:  First, if this is "water" then where is the real stuff?  Second, I found this...


How to Write Web Copy that Sells Stuff and Engages People #2: 5 Online Personalities You Have to Accommodate in Web Writing

Good copywriters know that there are lots of different online visitors, each with unique reading and learning styles. In order to connect with the greatest number of visitors, your website should give your readers the information they need in the way they want it. Below is a brief profile of the 5 online personalities, with best practice Web writing suggestions to get the...


The Write Blog’s Grammar-Fail Contest: Win a $50 Amazon Gift Certificate

Are you a grammar Nazi?  A stickler for punctuation?  Do you want a $50 gift certificate?  Do you want a free link back to your website? The Write Blog is happy to announce our first-ever bad grammar photo contest. We’re inviting all of our fellow readers, writers, word lovers, and grammar geeks to get out there and find the best examples of p...


“Poring” vs. “Pouring”: What’s the Difference?

This question came up during a round of in-house editing this week, so – of course –I wanted to share: Complete this sentence:  I spent hours  _______ over the pages of the magazine. A.)   poring B.)   pouring The correct answer is A, “poring.” “Pore” means to study or read something with great care.  You’d pore over a ...