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How to Incorporate a Blog into Your Content Marketing Campaign

To blog or not to blog? That is the question businesses often ask themselves. The answer to that question depends on the purpose of the blog. For ordinary individuals, a blog is a means of communicating their ideas to the world. But for businesses, a blog can be a powerful weapon in their content marketing arsenal. In this article, we will explore how blogs can becom...


9 Great Sites for Generating Interesting Blog Topics

You want to start a blog and you know what you want to write about, but how do you keep it going? When you list out your blog topic ideas, you tap out at about 13. That doesn't get you too far. So, how do you continuously come up with interesting blog topics to keep your blog going? Just let the wisdom of the web help you out! 9 Cool Blog Topic Idea Generators ...


How to Manage and Organize Content for Blog Campaigns

Launching a blog campaign is an effective way to grow your business’ influence online. By posting regularly, it allows you to provide value for your customers by educating them on specific topics. More than that, it establishes you as an expert in your field, which can draw more attention from potential customers or clients. Indeed, blogging has proven to be a very ef...


Do I Need Permission to Use a Logo in my Blog?

You’re writing an article about your favorite cereal – the origin of the flake shape, the ingeniousness of the ingredients, the history of the brand name – and to fancy up the copy, you decide to include the company’s logo. But then, you wonder: Is this permitted? Are Logos Copyright-Protected? The answer isn’t cut-and-dried: Some are; some aren’t. Som...