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Microcopy: Small Words with a Big Impact

When it comes to communication, few things are as important as the words we choose. Especially in written communication. And although most writers pay close attention to how things are worded when writing web content, there is one kind of writing that tends to get overlooked or downplayed as being less important. That is microcopy. Not only is quality microcopy vi...


Your Website Migration from HTTP to HTTPS

If you have browsed the internet lately, you have probably noticed that when you attempt to access HTTP sites, you get a scary-looking warning about possible security risks. You have also probably noticed that more and more companies are switching from HTTP to HTTPS. But what is the difference? And why is it such a big deal? Well, we found a great article from


How to Make Your Website 60% More Effective

It’s no secret that shorter paragraphs on web pages makes for easier reading. But, did you know that shorter webpages are nearly 60% more usable? Additionally, tweaking your copy and re-writing it to be more concise, scannable, and objective can increase the usability to 124%! According to this interesting article from Wylie Communications, by simply cutting down on the ...


The 1,000+ Page Website Overhaul…How to Undertake a Massive Website Rewrite

Much has been written about crumbling infrastructure throughout the United States. If it’s not roads and bridges, then it’s internet networks and dated telecommunications infrastructure. But not so much has been written on the effects of aging on internet content. The internet has been around long enough that many sites have compiled years of content and supplementa...


Interview: Content That Drives Google Rankings

There was a time when adding the right keywords to your website copy would go a long way toward boosting its Google ranking—where the Google algorithm places your site in search results. But today, keywords do little to help in that area. Driving up Google rankings is a complex, constantly changing process. On the bright side, your site's content can have a huge effect...