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The Top 10 Best Practices for Producing an Effective Blog in 2022 and Beyond

The art of blogging requires individuals to possess a solid writing skill set. Nevertheless, most folks believe blogging boils down to merely jotting down ideas and publishing them on a webpage. While one can certainly do that, effective blogging goes much deeper than cobbling words together. This article will explore the top 10 blogging best practices for 2022 and beyo...


Case Study: How Can A Writing Agency Help Improve Your Website?

Your website can make or break your appeal to customers and clients. Modern tools can help you make beautiful and elegant web pages, but your site's functionality and visuals are only half the battle. Your web copy is the other half. Compelling copywriting can be an intricate and challenging task, even for those specializing in it. However, with the help of a writing ag...


All About Content Creation: How Content Creation Helps Businesses Grow

In today’s uber-competitive business environment, content is king. Brands that produce fresh, engaging, and relevant content stand out among their competitors. According to data by HubSpot, 90% of brands plan to continue focusing on content creation in 2022 and beyond. This figure underscores the importance of relevant content in the current and future business lan...


Website 101: 5 Ways a Writing Agency Can Help Your Website Overhaul

“Your website is the window of your business. Keep it fresh, keep it exciting.”— Jay Conrad Levinson In today’s business world, a company’s website is its calling card. A great website helps your business put its best foot forward. In contrast, a poor website creates a bad first impression. There is no question that spending time and effort building a great...


Copywriter Q&A: Diving into Company Blog Campaigns with Melanie Green

The Writers For Hire (TWFH) team member Melanie Green has more than 15 years of writing experience and specializes in digital marketing content. With TWFH, Melanie is the go-to expert on blog campaigns for businesses. For this installment of Copywriter Q&A, we asked Melanie for her insights on the best practices for launching an effective blog campaign. TWFH: W...