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Sales Emails: They’re Not About Selling (Really!)

Want to improve the click-through rate on your sales emails? Stop trying so hard. Well, there's a little more to it than that -- but the bottom line is, if you want to make sure that your sales emails don't end up in the spam folder, you need to make sure that you're not striking the wrong tone with an overly salesy email (studies show that people get more anxious and app...


Six Quick Tips for Better Conversion Rates: Direct Mail and Marketing Emails

Unsolicited marketing materials – direct mail and sales emails targeting new customers – generally have low conversion rates.  Your artfully crafted letters may end up in the trash unopened, andyour emails might go ignored for weeks. Image via Wikipedia Before shelling out money on postage or spending time on an email to drum up new business, consider t...


Positive vs. Negative Marketing . . . and Gamefly’s “Bad Game” TV Spot

So, has been running this ad lately. Check it out: People buy bad video games. They freak out, realizing that they’ve purchased bad video games. They continue to freak out, ostensibly because they’re stuck with their bad video games (and out the 50 to 60 bucks they paid for them). The ad ends with a line that says something like, “Never buy bad games ...


Starbucks’ New Instant Coffee Ad: Love it or Hate it?

In an earlier blog post, I cautioned against ad campaigns that were too trendy or topical, but Starbucks’ new “Via” TV ad is an edgy, hilarious example of why it’s sometimes okay to buck convention. In addition to promoting their new instant coffee, Starbucks takes on a touchy (and waaaay timely) subject: town hall meetings. If you haven’t seen it, you can check...


Twitter for Small Businesses: Is it Worth it?

Have you heard yourself saying something similar to this: Social media isn’t for me or my business. Twitter is just for kids. My clients don’t care about that kind of stuff. Well, think again. Nielsen NetRatings just published a surprising research study: Teen’s don’t Tweet. That’s right, 84% of Twitter’s recent growth is due to users aged 24 and up. Chances ...