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Making the Most of Your Company Newsletters

A newsletter can be a marketer’s best friend. But like any relationship, they require an investment of your time, an understanding of what makes them tick, and some tender, loving care. There are a few key factors you need to consider and best practices to implement before making a newsletter a regular part of your communications strategy. Printed vs. Electro...


Document Management – How To Make Sure Employees Can Find Critical Business Info When They Need It

Let’s be honest…document management is probably not on the top of your priority list. You may even have an “old school” filing cabinet, where your company stores copies of personnel files and HR paperwork. You have to admit, though, that digging through physical files (or even unorganized files on your computer desktop) is not exactly an efficient business prac...


Staying Connected While We’re Disconnected

In these uncertain times of Coronavirus and quarantines, we have all had to find different ways to adapt and change the way we do things in our lives. TWFH came face to face with this challenge while trying to plan a “going away” party for our wonderful senior editor, Stephanie. We wanted to find a way to come together as a group, to thank Steph for her many years ...


7 Tips and Tricks for Effective Communication in the Business World

You’ve started a business. You’ve got a good product, built your operation, and started making good sales. But, you have challenges. You have a good team, but have trouble keeping people on the same page or taking advantage of the momentum you’ve worked so hard in your business.  So, what’s going wrong? Chances are, it’s communication. Every business l...


Getting a Handle on your Business Documents

Policies. Procedures. SOPs. Instructions. Standards. These aren't just fancy buzzwords tossed around the office. These are documents that, when written well and used correctly, will save you mounds of time, money, and frustration. Defining the differences All of these documents are different and serve various functions. If you are not familiar with their...