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Staying Connected While We’re Disconnected

Staying Connected While We’re Disconnected

In these uncertain times of Coronavirus and quarantines, we have all had to find different ways to adapt and change the way we do things in our lives.

TWFH came face to face with this challenge while trying to plan a “going away” party for our wonderful senior editor, Stephanie. We wanted to find a way to come together as a group, to thank Steph for her many years with TWFH, and to wish her luck on her future endeavors. But, coming together while socially distancing is easier said than done.

After a lengthy search into the growing industry of digital gaming, though, we found that there are still some great ways to stay connected (and safe) while having fun with family and friends.

While perusing the vast array of games available online, we discovered a great site called Jackbox Games.

Jackbox offers a variety of games that can be played by 1-8 players, using nothing but a web browser on your computer or mobile device.  These hilariously entertaining games are great for social distancing parties and family get-togethers alike. 

Individual games can be purchased for as little as $5.99 each, but there is also an option for buying Party Packs and Bundles that include multiple games.

Another great thing about Jackbox games is that they can even be used for homeschooling or teaching remotely!

And, after a very successful virtual party, where we spent many hours laughing and playing remotely, Jackbox has become a TWFH favorite!

Now, if you manage to make your way through all of the games on Jackbox, and are still looking for some entertainment, check out this great article from Smithsonian Magazine that offers a fantastic list of 12 games that can be played from afar, using platforms such as Google Play, the App Store, Tabletop, and more.

The list includes classics like Clue and Monopoly, as well as lesser-known games such as Ticket to Ride and Codenames

Smithsonian’s article includes details about each game, as well as the cost and a list of which platforms offer the game.  And the best part is, the games are all relatively inexpensive. (And some are even free!)

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