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Wanted: Paladin. Telepathist. Saint. Writing Skills a Plus.

Do you know the No. 1 reason good writers fail at writing as a profession? Bad customer service. Well, no, that’s not exactly accurate. A lot of writers have customer service skills. But, in the end, they’re only human. And the truth is, to be a great copywriter, you must be superhuman. The good news is: Anyone can become superhuman. But it does take a lot of work, a ...


Say Goodbye to Fluffy Web Copy

So, how many websites have you visited that are “dedicated to providing superior customer service”? Or whose “mission it is to make customer satisfaction a top priority”? Or whose products and services “meet your needs”? And so on. Fluffy phrases like this are easy to write and, on paper, they sound nice. After all, who doesn’t want superior customer servic...