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Everything You Wanted To Know About Generating a Technobabble-Free Press Release But Were Afraid To Ask

Imagine yourself in the following situation: You’re the chief engineer of an up-and-coming technology company, and you’ve just led the launch of a ground-breaking systems control software package. You’re excited. You know your new product can meet a wider range of needs for industrial operators than competing solutions. You’ve published a detailed press release, an...


Stay on the Write Side of the Law: Steer Clear of Publishing Woes

"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away...." there was a copyright lawsuit between Star Wars and Battlestar Galactica. Stars Wars had captured the hearts of adoring fans across America, and Universal Studios wanted to jump on that bandwagon, so they launched Battlestar Galactica. But Star Wars execs saw one too many similarities in the Battlestar Galactica storyli...


The Writers For Hire: A Look at 2017

Two-thousand seventeen was an exciting year at The Writers For Hire, Inc. We celebrated some big milestones and witnessed our community come together in amazing ways, during a time of crisis. [tweet_this tweet_text="As we reflect on the past year, we are ever grateful for the opportunities we have had to meet so many wonderful people who have greatly contributed to the g...


Don’t Let a Crisis Freeze Your Business-Blue Bell’s 2015 recall is a lesson in crisis management

When it comes to customer loyalty and crisis response, communication is key. And a little planning can go a long way toward repairing the damage. Blue Bell is a great example of how a company can bounce back from a potentially reputation-damaging event. For ice cream connoisseurs living in Texas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and a few surrounding states, Blue Bell isn’t just a...


Are You Writing for You or Writing for Them?

A Tip on How to Balance Good Writing with Good Customer Service I had spiders in my garage. Lots of them. Probably hundreds, to be honest. But they were just in my garage — they hadn’t infiltrated my home. Yet. In fact, I hadn’t seen a single spider in the living room, the bedroom, or the bathrooms, and I kept trying to tell that to the lady on the other end of the...