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Coronavirus Response: How and Why to Ramp Up Your Blog Content Quickly

As more and more Americans self-quarantine or are asked to work from home, online activity is skyrocketing. In fact, from January 29 to April 8,  usage rates rose 105 percent (from 22.6 million people to 46.2 million people in the U.S. using the internet during peak hours). While the circumstances aren’t ideal, most business owners are asking themselves how they ...


7 Unusual Ways To Improve Your Writing

As with every form of art, we writers are constantly working to improve our craft. From reading the works of great writers to attending writing workshops and checking out the latest and greatest grammar rules and regulations, we try very hard to stay at the top of our writing game. In our never-ending search for interesting new ways to help us grow as writers, we ca...


33 of the Best Free Font Downloads for Writers

As writers, we are generally limited in the fonts that we can use. While a fancy font may seem more fun and exciting than the basic Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri, we have to be sure that the fonts we use can be easily read and understood. Every once in a while, though, we have the opportunity to color outside the lines and use a font that has a bit more pizzazz. O...


Copywriter Q&A: RFP Survival, Success, and Lessons Learned with Shelly Spencer

TWFH team member Shelly Spencer has more than two decades of experience in RFP writing and has worked with up-and-coming organizations and non-profits with budgets of $30 million per year. One thing she’s learned? Although RFPs can vary greatly in terms of subject matter, industry, length, and format, the process of preparing a response is essentially the same across the...


The Great Oxford Comma Debate

It is one of the greatest debates in the English-speaking world… To Oxford comma, or not to Oxford comma. While it is technically a grammatical option in American English, there are many people who feel very passionate about the Oxford (or serial) comma. In fact, this silly little comma has been the topic of debate among The Writers For Hire staff for many years. ...