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The Great English Plurals Debate

The other day, I overheard my kids having a passionate debate about the plural of “octopus.” My son insisted that the correct word was “octopi,” while my daughter argued that it was actually “octopuses.” This debate brought to mind an article that TWFH’s Office Manager, Kathy Rinchuiso, recently shared with us about the general rules of pluralization in th...


The Writers For Hire’s Top Microsoft Word Tips

We at The Writers For Hire have a bit of a love/hate relationship with Microsoft Word. On one hand, it really is the best word processing software around. On the other hand, the formatting issues we sometimes run into are enough to drive even the most even-tempered of us mad. Luckily, though, we have each learned some great tricks to make Word much easier to work wit...


Fantastic Words That Are Their Own Autonyms

[block_imgwrap_per conper="70" content="It’s a well-known fact that English is a complicated language. To begin with, we have a bunch of words that have different meanings and spellings, but are pronounced the same, such as there, their, and they’re. We also have a ton of words with silent letters, like neighbor, sign, thought, and gnome. In addition, there ar...


How To Become a Great Self-Editor: 7 Questions To Improve Your Writing

We’ve said it before, and we’ll probably say it again: Editing is an essential part of the writing process. Every writer -- from the bestselling novelist to the complete novice -- can benefit from a thorough review by a critical, impartial eye. Of course, it’s hard to be critical and impartial about your own work. This is also true for every writer, which is why ...


Can You Really Master a Language in Just One Week?

If you could have any super power in the world, what would it be? For me, it would be the ability to converse in any language. Can you imagine how amazing that would be?!? Of course, in reality, learning a new language is no easy feat. According to the Foreign Service Institute, it takes the average person 24-30 weeks of full-time study to reach a basic level of prof...