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COMMUNICATING WITH CUSTOMERS IS NO LONGER NOT AN OPTION- Tips for Navigating the Online Customer Experience

Gone are the days when a customer walked away from a less-than-stellar dining, shopping, or service-related experience with head held low and disappointment weighing heavy on her shoulders. Now, an unhappy customer can spread word of a business blunder in the blink of an eye by posting a bad review on Yelp, a scathing video testimonial on YouTube, or an unflattering post ...


Interview: Why Most Web Copy Fails

One of the most important things your business web copy should do is show potential customers, from the beginning, why it's in their best interests to select your products or services. Some business web sites accomplish that spectacularly, and some, well, don't. During her latest radio interview on The Price of Business, Wintress Odom, owner of The Writers For Hire,...


The Secret to Producing Successful Blog Posts

Thank you to Michelle Rebecca for this guest post. Just about anybody can be a blogger, but it takes a certain set of skills, knowledge, and experience to consistently write popular posts. When it comes to creating content for an online audience, you can be the best writer in the world and have little impact unless you know the tricks to the trade. If you are just establ...


Social Selling Her Way to $250,000

It’s often said, “If you’re not online, then you essentially don’t exist.” According to a recent survey by Enquiro, 85.3 percent of buyers use the Internet before making a purchasing decision, and 77.7 percent of buyers say their research starts with Google. With the ever-growing population of businesses online, more specifically on social media, it can be hard t...


Six Tips for Repurposing Your Copy

By Tom Schek Creating a steady stream of informative, engaging materials to fuel a content marketing program takes a great deal of time and effort. However, you can get more out of that resource investment by repurposing content. Some observers might consider that “cheating,” and if you simply swap out a few words or rewrite a few sentences and call the p...