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5 Tips to Balance Truth and Storytelling in a Memoir

“When it comes to memoirs, we want to catch the author in a lie. When we read fiction, we want to catch the author telling the truth." - Tayari Jones Writing a memoir is an exercise in baring one’s soul. After all, a memoir is an exclusive sneak peek into a world to which only a few are privy.  When a reader picks up a memoir, they expect the author to pull ...


How Can I Write A Book About My Life?

A life story is something to be remembered. Writing a book is not only a great way to share such a story; it may also help and inspire those who read it. However, many who set out to put their life story to the page are caught off guard by just how much time, energy, and commitment writing their autobiography or memoir demands. In this article, we will go over the di...


An Industry Expert Guide to Writing a Winning Memoir

Memoir writing is nothing new. In fact, memoirs have existed since the first century B.C.E. One of the most well-known memoir writers from that period was Julius Caesar, whose memoir, “Commentaries on the Gaelic Wars,” was published into eight books. Not only did Caesar’s work give us an insight into one of the most remarkable times in history, it also conceptuali...


How to Choose the Perfect Topic for Your Memoir

You have a story to tell, and you want to write a book. Not just any book, though. You want to write a book about your life. You love a good memoir, and you know that they are popular. You've lived an interesting life and you think it would translate into a remarkable memoir. But how do you write it? Do you simply tell the story of your life, or does it need to be mo...


Writing the Perfect Memoir: 5 Unforgettable Memoir Formats

“The ordinary stories of our ordinary lives have extraordinary gifts coded within them.” — Christina Baldwin Writing a memoir often seems reserved for people with extraordinary lives. There is a perception that memoirs should tell remarkable stories about singular people. While memoirs of singular lives are truly inspiring, the truth is that people with seeming...