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Copywriter Q&A: Suzanne Kearns Talks the Ins and Outs of E-Book Publishing

The Writers For Hire (TWFH) team member Suzanne Kearns is our very own e-publishing guru. She’s written and ghostwritten more than a dozen e-books and her extensive list of published works includes a variety of genres, from how-to and business books to Christian fiction. In this installment of Copywriter Q&A, Suzanne answers all of our burning e-book questions an...


Make Your Own Kind Of Music

This week we have some advice passed on to me from best-selling author Karleen Koen.  Your assignment:  Write something, anything, every morning.  No need for prompts like those we gave you in a recent post.  No, this exercise is completely freestyle. Keep Your Mind and Fingers Nimble Every Day As a writer, even if you aren’t working on a particular p...