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Bizarre Facts That Prove Reality is Stranger Than Fiction

You’ve likely heard the famous quote from writer extraordinaire, Mark Twain, that says, “Truth is stranger than fiction, but it’s because Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn’t.” But just how strange can truth be? In this fascinating article from Buzzfeed, they give 42 examples of weird true facts that will be sure to  blow your mind...


Strange and Unbelievable Myths About Writers

When you think of a writer, what image comes to mind? An eccentric hermit who locks themselves up in a remote cabin, stays up all night writing, and drinks far too much alcohol? Like most stereotypes, these are not generally an accurate depiction of reality. In fact, most clichés about writers couldn’t be further from the truth. In this fun blog from Authors Publ...


How Our Fears Have Changed Our Language

If you’ve read any of the Harry Potter books, then you know all about “he who shall not be named.” However, it may surprise you to hear that the practice of not speaking the names of the things we fear—and instead calling them by something else—is actually something that’s been done since the beginning of time. In fact, according to this great article fr...


The Benefits of Using Filler Words in Your Writing

Filler words really get a bad rap. You know the ones I’m talking about: “um”, “uh”, “like” … And hedge words, such as “just” or “kind of,” are treated just as badly. According to this article from the Harvard Business Review, though, using filler or hedge words in your speech and writing can actually be useful. While excessive use of fille...


25 Beautiful and Inspiring Words to Expand Your Vocabulary

As human beings, we use language every day to convey thoughts and ideas, describe our feelings and emotions, to argue our points, and to convey directions.   And, as writers, we at TWFH use language even more than the average person. Very rarely, though, do we actually sit and think about just how beautiful language can be. Take meliorism, for example, which ...