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Unbelievably Strange Historical Facts

As writers, we are inherently curious beings. And given that our portfolio includes various family history and genealogy projects, it’s only natural that we’d find history to be especially fascinating and compelling. In one of our recent ventures down the rabbit hole of interesting historical facts, we came across this article from, with historical storie...


Affect or Effect: 5 Tricks to Never Use the Wrong One Again

“Grammar is to a writer what anatomy is to a sculptor or the scales to a musician. You may loathe it. It may bore you. But nothing will replace it, and once you’ve mastered it, it will support you like a rock.” — B.J. Chute The English language has its nuances. Well, some of those nuances can get quite tricky. In some cases, they can be downright frustrating. Ta...


Rebranding: 3 Ways a Writing Agency Can Help

Every business needs an upgrade once in a while. Whether you’re integrating a new philosophy or undergoing organizational changes, rebranding is necessary to make sure the improvements within your business match the message you want to portray. With so much research, planning, and strategy involved, it may seem like a daunting process. If your company decides to rebra...