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The 15 Biggest Mistakes Male Authors Make When Writing Female Characters

One of the biggest challenges for a writer is the task of trying to authentically write from the perspective of the opposite gender. After all, it is nearly impossible for a woman to know exactly how a man would feel in a certain situation, and vice versa. While there are definitely some authors who are well skilled at capturing the opposite sex, some are infamously kn...


How To Pitch Your Nonfiction Book To The Right Publishers In 4 Easy Steps

You’ve put your heart and soul into your book, and it is a great achievement to celebrate! But now that you have it completed, what do you do with it? Your book is written and edited to perfection…now what? Most likely, you will want to get it published and have it become successful, whether to help you establish yourself as an expert, teach others, entertain, or bu...


How to Create a File-Naming System that Works

If you needed to find a specific document on your computer, in less than a minute, could you do it? Consider this scenario: You are sitting at your desk, hard at work on your team’s latest project, when the boss walks in with a panicked look on her face. She needs the final version of a new-business pitch for a former client that was written before you joined the comp...


Amazon Author Rank: The What, the How, and the Why of This Pursuit

Amazon Author Rank is a listing of the top 100 titles overall or the top 100 titles in a browsing category.  A book’s “Product Details” section is where it lists its Amazon Bestsellers Rank. A #1 means that the title is selling more copies than any other in that category, on that storefront. You see, this internet giant has localized storefronts around the g...


What Have You Learned Today? How Learning New Things And Writing About Them Can Improve Your Health

It has been scientifically proven that learning something new every day can improve both your brain function and your overall well-being.  After all, our brains are muscles, and just like all other muscles, they must constantly be used and strengthened. Whether it be through learning a new language or working on becoming a better writer, it is imperative that we keep ...