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Personal Brands: Be Yourself or Create Yourself?

Marketing is about image – and in this world of social media marketing, personal branding is paramount. But how do you walk the line between being yourself and creating yourself? It’s a question that’s been plaguing marketers (check out this blog on And you know what? No one wants to buy into another slick marketing campaign – there’s real val...


How to Remember to Compliment or Complement

Ok, so I admit. I always have to look this one up. I finally figured out a way to remember it. When you complEment something, you are complEting it. As in, your bracelet complements your blouse. When you compliment someone, you're just saying something nice about them. Now, if I can just figure out a way to remember principle vs. principal.... Got any good tricks to sh...


The Write Blog Roundup

So, turns out there are more than one of us: The Write Blog -- by Jeffrey Berman. Great info about the writing business and lots of great interviews with scriptwriters. Do you have a Write Blog? Tell us about it!...