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Comparing Popular Microlearning Software Systems

Comparing Popular Microlearning Software Systems

The days of labor-intensive creation and administration of training courses are over, especially when it comes to training on-the-move, frontline employees. This welcome change has come via innovative Web-based systems developed by microlearning software companies.

These learning systems use bite-sized lessons for concentrated learning. They introduce repeated, standardized, precise procedures; teach new procedures; and review existing ones. In general, they are not deep-training platforms that teach the entire scope of a business or department. Instead, they efficiently teach employees individual elements of their jobs, and give them opportunities to demonstrate what they’re learning.

From the perspective of these trainees, microlearning systems are less time-consuming; more engaging—sometimes even fun; can be worked into personal schedules; and are a good use of their limited training time. They are geared for the short attention spans of students conditioned to receiving information in small, easily digested pieces.

Built for simplicity of training management, these software systems grant several administrative wishes—like super simple content creation, organization, use, and progress tracking. They expedite onboarding and retraining, with formats geared for use on mobile devices.

For many employers—like those in retail, banking, warehousing, food service, manufacturing, in-home services, and more—these systems provide quick lessons and courses just right for getting these employees ready to do their jobs or up-to-speed on new procedures.

Qualities To Look For in Your Training Software

  • Authoring tools. These tools allow for content creation without the use of SCORM, a packaging system for online training content that requires hiring a programmer familiar with it to write your code. Having this content creation capability cuts down on the time and cost involved in getting your content operational. (Note: If it’s important that your system “plays well” with other e-learning systems, you may want to consider using a SCORM-built software.)
  • User friendliness for administrators. Does the software enable you to track training progress and performance? Is it easy to make changes and additions to the training? What kinds of resources, in-app or otherwise, are available to give supervisors answers to procedural questions and queries on individual students?
  • User friendliness for employees. Can trainees use the system intuitively? Does it Include integrated help features so a trainee can find a quick answer and get back to training? Are games (gamification) and video insertion capabilities built in to better engage today’s students?
  • Social interaction. Does the system allow for discussion between trainees? For video meetings? For conferences on well-known platforms such as Teams and Zoom?
  • Cell phone and tablet access to training. When training is available on these devices, it becomes portable, allowing trainees to work wherever and whenever they have an opportunity, increasing their participation and success.
  • Knowledge demonstration incorporated. How, and how often, do students get the opportunity to show what they’ve learned? This is a key factor for reinforcement.
  • Languages. Is the software available in multiple languages? Does it allow for creation in one language and automatic translation to another?
  • Cost, hours of training, and authoring that come with the app. What is the cost per trainee? What kinds of time limitations are placed by the software company?

Some Popular Microlearning Systems and What They Offer

While there are many different microlearning software systems on the market, here are some that incorporate a significant number of sought-after qualities.

There are other highly praised systems, so just consider this a sampling of some of the best, in no particular order.


This company offers “Every step of the training journey, all in one place,” from onboarding through digital training, assessment, tracking, and certification.

The software includes a free course creator tool (AI Create) plus courseware that can be edited to customize all your instructional materials so they fit your company like a glove. Automated translation is included, too, so lessons can be built in one language and converted to trainees’ native tongue.

The system comes with templates for lesson building and allows PowerPoints to be effortlessly turned into lessons. Knowledge demonstrations and supervisor signoffs can be built in. Teachers/supervisors and students can chat, and teachers can view each student’s progress.

EdApp makes its training highly mobile-friendly, with “microlessons” that work well on smartphones and other devices.  Quizzes use multiple choice, drag-and-drop, fill-in-the-blank, crossword puzzles, or match games to make learning more fun. Contests can be set up with prizes. “Learner Guides” and FAQs anticipate and answer trainees’ questions.

Click here for current EdApp pricing.


This software is used in 60 languages and 160 countries. The company says it’s “ready to enable your front line,” with lessons built for the way the human brain learns— in small, three-five-minute pieces, within the day’s workflow.

Content is created in whichever way works best for the client. Methods include: 1) Importing/repurposing existing training modules; 2) Using content from the Axonify Content Marketplace; or 3) Client-created content, using built-in content authoring functions or the help of the company’s learning experts.

Smartphone accessibility is emphasized, and so is targeting the most important topics an employee needs to learn each day. Training is personalized based on region, role, and other factors. Reinforcement is done repeatedly, progress is measured, and, through algorithms and AI, reinforcement is tailored to individual needs.

Axonify seeks to make learning enjoyable; employees play a variety of games that “stimulate neural pathways” to assist retention. Trainees are motivated to earn points, badges, and rewards as individuals and teams.

A sense of employee community is encouraged through communication channels and “a social media-style timeline, complete with reactions and comments.”

Both managers and users are offered online resources and FAQs for any questions that arise.

See current Axonify pricing here.

7 Taps Microlearning

Content creation for training has probably never been easier or faster. With this software, administrators can self-author a mini course, include a video if desired, and deliver it to an employee’s device in a matter of minutes, so trainees don’t need an app. Visitors to the company website can experience the process for themselves by creating a sample course right from the homepage.

The system bills itself “The world’s fastest growing and most influential microlearning platform,” serving “12,000+ businesses worldwide.” This growth is likely fueled by the fact that administrators have nothing to learn before they begin creating courses using the platform’s framework. They simply sign up and begin. The course content they create automatically fits itself to any device. It is targeted for use on mobile devices, but “friendly” for laptop use, too.

At the student end, one click accesses coursework, and each microlesson is designed to teach a specific “nugget” of knowledge. The company doesn’t major on gamification or lots of required interaction. When an employee has a question on a procedure, even midstream on a jobsite, they can use the included “job aids” and guides to get a quick answer and get back to work.

The system also provides students access to downloadable progress reports on their training.

Find 7 Taps pricing and plan information here.

Tovuti LMS

This is another platform that offers its customers online course authoring tools to produce a course “in minutes.” A homepage button offers an option to book a demo to see the software in action. “Tovuti LMS provides everything you need to create, deliver, manage and analyze training in a single, easy-to-use system,” says the company.

No limits are placed on quantity of lessons and courses and, as a bonus, users are offered more than 40 types of “interactive, social and gamified content” that can be added to their own videos as bits of fun learning and reinforcement. The company’s resource library offers fuel for content and creativity, plus the ability to store, organize, and browse that content after uploading.

Mobile users should find Tovuti lessons enjoyable, with intuitive navigation, interactive activities, and multimedia-infused content. For the “social” generation, the software provides a variety of classroom-emulating tools that allow connection and conversation. These include whiteboards, “hand raising,” screen sharing, session recording, and more. Students also have their own adaptable landing pages where their courses, checklists, and awards live.

Administrators will value the ability to quickly add and enroll students, put them in groups, and invite them to meetings. They can also set access permissions, and email and send reminders to students directly from the system. A “Team Lead Dashboard” gives managers access to student dashboards and records and allows them to message students.     

Tovuti provides a digital form to inquire about pricing.


Choose your training software thoughtfully.

There’s a lot to consider in making a training software decision, like the level of tech-savviness of your trainees, the types of devices they’ll use to access the training, the number of lessons and courses you will need, who will be writing your course content, and more.

A writing agency can be of great help in creating your training, from helping you choose the right software to mapping and producing the lessons and courses, facilitating its uploading, bridging communication gaps with the software company during the process, and ensuring that your content looks and works the way you need it to.

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