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Giving the Gift of Ghostwriting: More Fun and Creative Things To Do With Your Book

When you hear the term ghostwriting, what comes to mind? Celebrity memoirs? Political speeches? The Nancy Drew or Goosebumps series?  The thing is, ghostwriting isn’t just a service for famous people who need help with their manuscripts. Anyone can work with a ghostwriter, and there’s so much more that a ghostwriter can help you create.  Jennifer Rizzo,...


How To Find and Hire a Ghostwriter

It’s okay to hire a ghostwriter to create the book you’ve always dreamed of publishing. After all, you may not have the time to write, especially if you already have a full-time job or are a business owner with a lot on your plate.  But where do you find a ghostwriter you can trust? Aren’t there a lot of scams associated with the profession? How do you know w...


Ghostwriting: A Detailed Look at the Ghostwriting Process

Ghostwriting is the process of paying a professional ghostwriter to write your content for you, with the understanding that it will be published under your byline, and you will retain all rights to the finished work.  Generally speaking, a client works closely with their ghostwriter throughout the process to ensure the final product aligns with their needs and expe...


5 Tips to Balance Truth and Storytelling in a Memoir

“When it comes to memoirs, we want to catch the author in a lie. When we read fiction, we want to catch the author telling the truth." - Tayari Jones Writing a memoir is an exercise in baring one’s soul. After all, a memoir is an exclusive sneak peek into a world to which only a few are privy.  When a reader picks up a memoir, they expect the author to pull ...


10 Things To Do When Preparing To Work with a Ghostwriter for the First Time

Collaborating with a ghostwriter can be a transformative choice for authors, offering multifaceted support throughout the creative process. From shaping ideas into cohesive narratives to refining writing styles, ghostwriters bring expertise that can elevate an author's work to new heights. Their ability to adapt to various genres and voices makes them invaluable assets in ...