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What’s All the Buzz About? Public Relations 101
Nov 06, 2020
If you’re not a public relations (PR) or communications professional, chances are you likely clump PR in together with advertising, marketing, and event planning, thinking they are the same. And it’s OK if you do. A lot of people make…
Everything You Wanted To Know About Generating a Technobabble-Free Press…
Feb 04, 2019
Imagine yourself in the following situation: You’re the chief engineer of an up-and-coming technology company, and you’ve just led the launch of a ground-breaking systems control software package. You’re excited. You know your new product can meet a wider range…
Don’t Let a Crisis Freeze Your Business-Blue Bell’s 2015 recall…
Dec 19, 2017
When it comes to customer loyalty and crisis response, communication is key. And a little planning can go a long way toward repairing the damage. Blue Bell is a great example of how a company can bounce back from a…